Tina, Kimi, Nida, Eva, Me and Deanne

Monday, February 15, 2010

I love the Olympics!

I am watching the Olympics and love it!  I love the downhill skiing and of course, the figure skating.  But there is so much more to the Olympics than these two sports. I love the scenery of the host city.  I love to hear stories of underdogs who make it to the games, even though they probably won't win a medal.  I love the medal ceremonies. Oh heck, I love it all.

The first Olympics I remember watching was the Summer Games in Mexico City.  The year, 1968.  There was a lot
of controversy but as a naive young girl, it didn't phase me.  What I do remember vividly, was the closing ceremonies.  I just Googled the Mexico Olympics and when scrolling down on the bulleted highlights, this is what I found:

  • It was the first games where the closing ceremony was transmitted in color to all the world.
No wonder I liked it!!  It was in color.  My memory doesn't serve me well here.  I don't think I watched it on a color TV, but I don't remember.  That was many, many, and ok, still, many years ago.  But watching the Olympics back in 1968 solidified my love for the games that will last as long as my life.  

So, enjoy watching the Olympics while it's on.  All of us have color TV, and some even have HD.  I don't know if the broadcast is in HD, but it doesn't matter.  Color rocks!!  hahaha...I'm laughing at myself!!


  1. I think your love for the Olympics was past on to me. I love watching it, and now we are sharing it with our little kids. Oh so fun

  2. I was just going to say what Nikki said. I love the olympics too. I made Mack watch the opening ceremony for me while I was at work. Everyday I come home and turn on the TV waiting for the olympics to start. Mack watched the pairs skating with me and kept asking which was the girl and which was the guy when we were watching the Chinese teams. I credit my love for the olympics to you mom, because we always watched them.
